Improve the Food Risk Profile
MAGNATTACK™ Global Food Safety Quote Of The Week.
“Each stage of the supply chain that delivers food from the farm to the dinner table is obligated to improve, or at a minimum not degrade, the food risk profile.” – Mike Robach, V.P. Corporate Food Safety and Regulatory Affairs.
From the second the seed is planted to the moment the dinner plate is presented, every person who comes into contact with food items share the responsibility of reducing the food risk profile.
For food manufacturers, reducing food safety risks is a high priority. Failing to do so can lead to a food recall, brand name damage, financial loss, and most importantly, consumer injury/sickness. It is imperative that appropriate controls are in place to reduce these risks.
Magnetic Separators are one form of foreign body control equipment and are essential to reducing the risk of metal fragments in final product…but the wrong magnets can be ineffective in reducing your risks, so it is important that your magnets conform with current industry standards and are providing adequate protection against metal contamination.
We can help you determine whether your magnetic separators are providing your plant with effective foreign metal control – contact an experienced Magnattack technician today.