Magnet Validations
A Magnattack® Magnet Validation is a comprehensive service aimed at ensuring your magnetic separation systems operate at their highest efficiency. Our specialists assess the strength, placement, and effectiveness of your magnets to ensure they effectively capture metal contaminants and comply with industry standards. After the validation, we provide a detailed report with findings and recommendations to enhance your foreign metal contamination control process. In partnership with Active Magnetics Research (AMR Consulting), Magnattack offers HACCP-Certified magnet validations. AMR manages magnet validations across Australia, New Zealand, North America and South America, and has deep expertise in metal fragment control system design, testing, and analysis.

Ensure Maximum Food Safety with Magnet Validations and Risk Assessments
Magnets, like metal detectors and x-ray equipment, are crucial for food safety and metal contamination control in food processing. To ensure optimal performance, magnets must not only be of the right strength but also properly positioned within the product flow to maximize separation efficiency and effectively capture foreign metal contaminants.
Plant Risk Assessments
Magnattack has partnered with Active Magnetics Research (AMR Consulting) to help identify and minimize the risk of foreign metal fragment contamination, enhancing product purity and overall safety. AMR specializes in magnet validations and has extensive experience in the design, testing, and analysis of metal fragment control systems worldwide.
Assisting with FSMA Compliance
The FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) requires food manufacturers to proactively address food safety risks. AMR Magnet Validation Reports are widely used by food processors to help meet FSMA requirements. These reports assist in fulfilling key FSMA sections, including hazard analysis, preventative controls, monitoring, corrective actions, verification, and record keeping.

Talk to an Expert
Got a question or need a quote? Our Magnattack experts are here to offer fast, personalized guidance for all your magnetic separation needs. Simply fill out the form below, and one of our specialists will quickly reach out to assist you.