Metal fragment contamination in wineries can lead to significant damage to processing equipment, resulting in costly repairs and downtime. Magnattack® magnetic separators offer effective solutions to prevent metal contamination, protecting your valuable equipment and ensuring smooth operations throughout the winemaking process.

Guard Your Equipment: Magnetic Protection for Wineries
Metal fragment contamination in winery processing often leads to severe damage to expensive equipment, resulting in costly repairs, maintenance and downtime. Common contaminants found in grape receival areas include vine fencing staples, wire pieces, nails, fasteners, medium-sized metal brackets and tools, and wear particles from harvesters and other machinery. These contaminants can damage crushers, presses, must-pumps, de-stemmers, and other vital equipment.
Magnattack® magnetic separators, such as the Dimple-Mag® Plate Magnet, Multi-Finger Receival Bin Magnet, and Mag-Ram® Self-Cleaning Magnet, provide essential protection against foreign metal contamination, helping wineries safeguard their equipment.
Dimple-Mag® Plate Magnet Extraction System
The Dimple-Mag® Plate Magnet is designed to prevent bridging and wrap-around of vine and stem material, making it ideal for installation under auger discharges, chute outlets, or above conveyors and discharge points. Its innovative design ensures effective flow while trapping smaller fragments beneath the raised dimples, with a high-intensity RE80® Separation Bar preventing weakly magnetic fragments from returning to the product flow.
Multi-Finger Winery Receival Bin Magnet
Originally developed in the late 1990s, the Multi-Finger Winery Receival Bin Magnet is highly effective at removing metal contaminants. Installed under receival bin outlets and on bulk intakes, this system features adjustable magnet bars that can be customized to accommodate different product characteristics, ensuring optimal separation and equipment protection. Featuring multiple high-intensity Finger Bars angled downwards into the product stream, this separator protects machinery from various tramp iron contaminants that can cause extensive damage to equipment.
Mag-Ram® Automatic Self-Cleaning Magnet
Additionally to machine protection, this self-cleaning magnet has an added benefit of operator safety as manual cleaning is not required!
The Mag-Ram includes an automatic & programmable cleaning system, allowing for zero downtime for cleaning and minimising the likelihood of equipment damage.
Consider the following when considering the appropriate magnets for Wineries products:
- Does the design allow for optimum coverage of incoming grapes without grape bunches and stems becoming entwined or entangled in the magnets?
- Is the magnet design sanitary and compliant?
- Is the magnet simple and effective to clean and maintain?
- Does the separator assembly comprise of high grade magnetics (such as RE80®) to ensure longevity and maintaining of the magnet strength?
- What design criteria is in place to ensure effective magnetic separation is achieved without blockages?
- What means are taken to ensure magnet strength is maintained over time?
- Does the magnet comply with current HACCP and best practice standards (e.g. 0909MAGSEP 2-2021)?
- Is the magnet supplied with adequate certification?
Trusted by Industry Experts

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