Protection of Wine Processing Equipment with Grape Receival Magnets

Fencing staples, nails, wire, and other tramp iron contamination have the potential to cause extensive damage to expensive equipment such as must pumps, grape crushers, presses, and other equipment if they are not removed from the product stream. The cost is not only in repairing or replacing the damaged equipment but also in the loss of product, subsequent downtime, and loss of production.
Magnattack® Global manufacture Grape Receival Bin Magnets which are an essential item for any winery to protect crushers, destemmers, and pumps from a variety of tramp iron contaminants such as staples, nails, wire and wear particles from the harvesters. A typical Magnattack® Receival Bin Magnet is mounted under the outlet auger, has 3 or 4 magnetic 51mmØ, 10,000 gauss fingers angling down into the destemmer. The magnet is mounted on a heavy-duty adjustable fitting so that the spacing can be varied to suit different outlet auger dimensions.
Grape Must Magnets are another way to avert this loss. These magnets are installed into the must line and are easily lifted out for cleaning. A small investment in a Magnattack® Magnetic Separator can prevent costly repairs and loss of product.
This design is manufactured by Magnattack® Global and available for wineries worldwide. Application assistance is available in most situations for magnetics in grape and raw material receival locations.
Learn more about our magnets for winery applications here.